Trump Promises ‘Mass Deportations’ Of Illegal Immigrants: ‘Day One’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised mass deportations for illegal immigrants and immunity for local police who enforce immigration laws.

Trump made clear his platform during an interview with Newsmax host Chris Salcedo on Monday.

“Given the fact that no foreign national has a right to be here in the United States, will you order mass deportations if you win the White House?” Salcedo asked.

The former President did not hesitate.

“Oh, day one,” he replied. “We have no choice. And we’ll start with the bad ones.”

Trump added: “And you know who knows who they are? Local police. Local police have to be given back their authority, and they have to be given back their respect and immunity. We’re going to give them immunity.”

Q: "Will you order mass deportations if you win the White House?"

TRUMP: "Day one. We have no choice, and we'll start with the bad ones, and you know who knows who they are? Local police. Local police have to be given back their authority."

Trump Calls For Mass Deportations

This isn’t the first time former President Donald Trump has indicated he would conduct mass deportations should he win.

Recent polling suggests illegal immigration has supplanted a fragile economy as the number one concern amongst Americans. And they don’t like how President Biden is handling the situation.

Trump says his approach will be much different.

“[Illegal aliens] do come from prisons and mental institutions,” he said during a speech at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

“It will be the largest deportation in the history of our country,” he promised. “They’re killing our people. They’re killing our country. We have no choice!”

Trump vows to carry out MASS DEPORTATIONS, crowd erupts in applause:

“It will be the largest deportation in the history of our country…They’re killing our people. They’re killing our country. We have no choice!”

Trump Says He’ll Invoke Wartime Powers

Saying you’re going to conduct mass deportations on the campaign trail and then actually carrying them out are two different things: Fortunately, Trump has a plan for that.

He has pledged to invoke the Alien Enemies Act if elected, a wartime law that would allow the President to authorize the arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants over the age of 14.

At a campaign stop in Iowa this past September, the leading GOP contender for the White House promised to “carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

“I’ll also invoke immediately the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members,” Trump said.

Millions of illegal aliens have been released directly into U.S. communities with little to no vetting during President Biden’s tenure — a consequence of his unilateral “parole” scheme.

A record 9+ million illegal immigrants, including 1.8+ million known “gotaways,” have crossed the border under this administration.

Crime and Punishment

Several stories have surfaced in recent weeks involving illegal immigrants committing violent crimes against American citizens.

The Political Insider reported on ICE Boston agents arresting a 34-year-old Guatemalan illegal immigrant recently convicted of assault and battery on a child under the age of 14. He had previously been released by the Gloucester District Court, despite ERO (Enforcement and Removal Operations) Boston having filed an immigration detainer against him.

Additionally, authorities in Maryland just arrested an illegal migrant from El Salvador and charged him with murder in the case of a two-year-old who was shot and killed this month while on a walk in the park with his mother.

Not to mention the case of the University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, allegedly killed by suspect Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal alien.

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