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  • Senator JD Vance Warns Of ‘Impeachment Time Bomb’ Buried In Ukraine Aid Bill That Could Be Used Against Trump

Senator JD Vance Warns Of ‘Impeachment Time Bomb’ Buried In Ukraine Aid Bill That Could Be Used Against Trump

In 2019, the Democrats impeached Donald Trump. Then did it again just before he left office in 2021.

Now it looks like they are looking to do it again should he win in 2024 – a whole year before he would even become president.

This time, dozens of Senate Republicans appear to helping out, and MAGA Senator JD Vance is sounding the alarm.

‘We Must Vote Against This Disastrous Bill’

Vance warned on X, “Buried in the bill’s text is an impeachment time bomb for the next Trump presidency if he tries to stop funding the war in Ukraine.”

“We must vote against this disastrous bill,” he added.

Vance explained more in an interview with Tucker Carlson on X late Monday.

Vance told Carlson of the aid package, “It doesn’t just fund Ukraine in 2024, and this is the most important point. It actually funds Ukraine in ’25 and ’26.” “Now what’s the problem with that?” the senator asked. “Say, for example, that we have a new president in 2025. That president would be handcuffed by the promises that we are making in law to Ukraine today.”


Vance continued:

If you go back to 2019, Tucker, to sort of give you a sense of why this matters. In 2019, the U.S. House impeached then President Donald Trump on the theory that they had appropriated the money to Ukraine and Donald Trump refused to send it to Ukraine.

So if Trump is elected president again and becomes president on January of 2025, he will conduct diplomacy. And if that diplomacy does not include sending additional billions to Ukraine, there is a theoretical argument, a predicate if you will, for impeaching Donald Trump because they have tried to tie his hands.

We’re not just sending billions to Ukraine in 2024. We’re trying to make it impossible for the next president to conduct diplomacy on his terms.

“It’s anti-Democratic and it will lead to endless war all over the world,” Vance added.

Rand Paul and Mike Lee Filibuster Along with Vance

Vance helped filibuster the aid bill with big assists from GOP Sens. Rand Paul and Mike Lee for most of Monday and on into much of the night.

Of course every Republican who filibustered asked why the US was spending billions on Ukraine while the southern border is still completely out of control.

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