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Senator Chris Murphy Makes Bizarre Admission: Illegal Immigrants Are Who Democrats ‘Care About Most’

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) pulled the curtain back on his own party during a new interview in which he said “undocumented Americans” are the people Democrats “care about most.”

Murphy apparently stumbled upon a new term for illegal immigrants when discussing the matter with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. They are not undocumented, they are illegal, and they most certainly are not Americans by any definition.

Hayes began the discussion by asking Murphy for his thoughts on the $118 billion Senate foreign aid bill that was rejected by Republicans.

“This time around, the negotiation didn’t have a path to citizenship. It was entirely on their [Republicans’] terms in order to get Ukraine funding, right?” Hayes asked.

Murphy called so-called negotiations on immigration and border security “a failed play.”

“You are right that that has been the Democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country,” he responded.

🚨 Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy admits Democrats' "strategy" on immigration "has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," so they're adjusting it pic.twitter.com/IPXCh0WQi2

Democrat Admits That llegal Aliens Are Who We Care About Most

By “undocumented Americans,” Senator Murphy is referring to the millions of illegal immigrants that President Joe Biden has resettled in communities across the country.

Democrats are telling you exactly where their priorities lie, and it’s not with the American people.

Need more proof besides seeing videos of the invasion at the border on a nearly daily basis? The White House announced that ICE will reduce deportations and the capacity to detain illegals if the $118 billion foreign aid bill is not passed.

They are literally threatening the lives and jobs of the American people, holding them hostage, if they don’t get their Ukraine funding. Their priorities lie with Ukraine and every illegal alien that pours across the southern border. America last.

President Biden dismantled border security as soon as he took office. He and the Democrats have adamantly opposed virtually every enforcement mechanism already available, like detention and deportation.

And Biden has all the authority he needs to reverse his executive actions, enforce existing U.S. law, and end the border crisis right now. He certainly doesn’t require a bill that provides a fraction of the funding for the border to fix the problem he started.

What The Hell Is An ‘Undocumented American’, Chris Murphy?

So pleased was Senator Murphy with his newly made-up term that he repeated the clarion call to “rescue” the “undocumented Americans” later in his interview.

“I am of the belief that this was a moment where you had to show some big bipartisan momentum and progress on the border, or you would never ever have the ability to try to rescue the undocumented Americans that desperately need help,” he told Hayes.

Notice that there is no concern for the American people who desperately need help. No cries from Democrats that the American people are the ones they “care about most.”

And there is certainly no bill being debated in the Senate or the House that would rescue documented Americans or legal immigrants.

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