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  • Leftwing Protesters Respond To Biden’s Pleas For Civility By Marching On RNC, Comparing Them To KKK

Leftwing Protesters Respond To Biden’s Pleas For Civility By Marching On RNC, Comparing Them To KKK

Protesters marching on the Republican National Convention (RNC) ignored President Biden’s calls to “lower the temperature” following an assassination attempt against GOP nominee Donald Trump over the weekend.

Instead, protesters suggested the man who was inches away from being killed by an unhinged gunman was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and called him a “fascist”.

Which is exactly the type of rhetoric that led to the attempt on his life. Not to mention the killing of a fire chief along with two other rallygoers who were critically wounded.

Video shows leftist agitators marching on the RNC event with masks, waving Palestinian flags, and chanting, “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!”

The March on the RNC is now underway in Milwaukee. Protesters are chanting, “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!” pic.twitter.com/WUZsMRpGDG

RNC Protesters Amp Up The Unhinged Rhetoric

Granted, the only goal of these rubes is to create a catchy rhyme with the fewest syllables possible, so you have to give them that. Mission accomplished in that regard.

But it’s clear they have no idea what a fascist actually is. And if you were to tell them that President Biden was mentored by a one-time top officer in the Ku Klux Klan, their heads might collectively pop off their shoulders.

What’s also clear is that they had no intention of listening to Biden’s calls for civility following the assassination attempt.

“My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies, we’re neighbors, we’re friends, co-workers, citizens, and most importantly, we are fellow Americans,” Biden said in a speech from the Oval Office.

“We must stand together.”

Rather than turn down the temperature, the protesters are calling to amp it up.

‘Turn It Up’

In addition to their incendiary chants, the protesters flat-out called to escalate tensions in direct opposition to Biden’s suggestion to lower temperatures.

One such protester, Richard Danc told the New York Post, “Turn it up. Let’s do it.”

Of course the lead leftist agitator marching against Trump and the RNC is named Dick Danc. Of course he is.

Danc wasn’t content with simply raising the temperature either, even telling the outlet that he wished the would-be assassin hadn’t missed when he fired on the former President.

“If Trump were to be taken out on that day, it might not have been the worst thing,” he said.

While the President calls for some level of civility, it seems clear that liberals are too far gone to be saved at this point. They won’t stop until it’s too late. Until another Trump supporter or the GOP nominee himself is killed.