PETA Targets Merry-Go-Round Maker Over Animal-Themed Carousels

Animal rights group PETA have taken up some strange causes over the years.

You can now add another one to the list: carousels that unfairly enslave poor, innocent plastic representations of animals!

PETA Has a Problem with Animal-Themed Merry-Go-Rounds?

Wrap your head around this one.

Fox News reports, “Animal rights organization, PETA, urged the largest amusement ride manufacturer in Kansas to end the production and sale of animal-themed carousels.”

“Children learn through play, and teaching them to have respect and compassion for all living, feeling beings can help create a more just and merciful world,’ PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said in a press release.”

Now, that’s not such a crazy thing to say. Conservatives are natural conservationists and animal lovers. They want their children to be kind to all of God’s creatures. But how does that relate to plastic carousel seats shaped like animals?

The story continued:

PETA implored Aaron Landrum, the president and CEO of Chance Rides, in a letter on Tuesday to end its production of animal-themed carousels and instead produce figures in the shape of cars, airplanes, spaceships, bulldozers and other vehicles.

The PETA president said that the different shaped carousel objects would “engage children’s imagination,” along with “showcasing human talent.”

“PETA urges Chance Rides and all other carousel manufacturers to hit the brakes on old-fashioned animal-themed rides and embrace designs that engage children’s imagination and showcase human talent,” Newkirk said.

PETA argues that the animal-theming contributes to the connotation that animals are used as “conveyances”and “amusement.” 

Interestingly enough, PETA doesn’t have too terrible of an idea there. Kids would love a carousel with jet fighters, sports cars, heavy machinery, or spaceships. But again, these things don’t need to be mutually exclusive.

PETA is Being Dumb

This complaint is therefore absurd.

No animals are being harmed. At all.

Still, PETA suggested to Landrum in a letter that “the company end the production and sale of animal-themed carousels that normalize the use of animals as conveyances and amusements and instead produce carousel figures in the shape of cars, airplanes, spaceships, bulldozers, and other vehicles or more whimsical designs, like shooting stars, rainbows, or brooms.”

There’s nothing wrong with portraying animals as long as no one is hurting animals.

If anything, you’re glorifying them as the wonderful God-made creatures they are, and how they relate to man.

And that’s good.

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