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  • NY Times Focus Group Of Independent Voters Overwhelmingly Leaning Toward Trump Due To The Economy

NY Times Focus Group Of Independent Voters Overwhelmingly Leaning Toward Trump Due To The Economy

A focus group conducted by the New York Times reveals that a majority of independent voters are leaning towards former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

While the sample size was small – the newspaper interviewed 13 undecided, independent voters at length about Trump and President Joe Biden – it does have to provide a moment of pause to the President’s re-election campaign.

Those who took part in the focus group seem to indicate that even they, as moderates, were willing to overlook the abrasive personality of the GOP candidate in part because they think he can rescue a struggling economy.

“To a striking degree, most of the participants tilted toward Mr. Trump, even though they disliked his personality,” the Times writes.

In fact, 11 of the 13 people profiled were leaning toward Trump.

If independents are willing to let go of the brash circus that surrounds Trump for the betterment of the country, Biden may be in significant trouble.

Independent Voters: It’s The Economy, Stupid

While recent polling suggests illegal immigration has supplanted a fragile economy as the number one concern of Americans, this focus group of independent voters suggests it remains the most important factor when deciding between Trump and President Biden.

“Almost all the voters (who range in age from 22 to 64) were most worried about the economy and how their groceries and other bills were too costly,” the Times reports.

Of the 13 voters in question, 12 said they would base their vote on the economy. 11 of them said they were leaning toward Trump.

Other major issues as revealed by the group include the illegal immigration crisis at the border, concerns about the Israel-Gaza war, and a “dislike” for aid to foreign countries.

New York Times Interactive

When confronted with the challenge of citing something positive in the economy in the past year, only one person in the group (which spanned all ages and races) was able to raise their hand.

The moderator asked the voters who they would choose at the ballot box if the presidential election were held today. 11 hands went up for Trump, including one woman who claimed she experienced more racism under the previous President.

“The participants’ comments indicated that most did not feel they were in good hands with Mr. Biden or trust that they would be, using words like ‘senile,’ ‘unfit’ and ‘disingenuous’ to describe him,” the New York Times writes. “And while the group viewed Mr. Trump negatively, some people suggested that the country was on its toes more with him in office.”

MSNBC Focus Group At Black Barber Shop Yielded Similar Results

Like the New York Times independent voters focus group, another discussion moderated by MSNBC in a black barbershop yielded similar results, with some members of the panel stating many African American voters are considering supporting former President Trump in the 2024 presidential election because of the economy.

Participants in the black barbershop focus group which took place in Charleston, South Carolina mentioned that under President Biden, they feel “broke,” while under Trump, they “had money.”

MSNBC: "There are some people in your orbit either voting for Donald Trump or considering it?"

Voter: "For sure. A lot of my friends are… they're like well, we're broke with Biden, we weren't with Trump… with Trump, we had money." pic.twitter.com/Q5IuAZ1nN7

If anything, these focus groups should be a wake-up call to the Biden campaign and the Hollywood elites that support the President. Elites like Bill Maher, who claimed recently that the cost of groceries and gas aren’t really that high.

Maher’s comment prompted fitness guru Jillian Michaels to fire back, “Buy some f***ing eggs!”

Based Jillian Michaels confronts the leftist propaganda on Bidenflation by Bill Maher

Maher: "We won the pandemic economically"

Michaels: "Inflation is insane."

Maher: "Inflation is not insane"

Michaels: "Go buy a car. A house has tripled here. Buy some fucking eggs." pic.twitter.com/y8XBRV4PM6

Independent voters, black voters, they’re all out there buying those eggs.

And they’re returning to their homes angry, worried, and ready to vote for Trump in 2024.

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