New Poll Shows Trump Is Closing In On Biden With Younger Voters

A new poll shows 48 percent of younger voters say they would support Donald Trump “if the election were held today,” and 52 percent indicated they would vote for Joe Biden.

Trump is still trailing Biden, but he’s closer than he’s ever been with this voter demographic.

Trump Closing In with Young Voters

The survey was conducted by Axios and Generation Lab, with 1,073 U.S. adults surveyed between 18 and 34 years of age.

According to the Pew Research Center, Gen Z and millennial voters went for Biden by twenty points over Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Obviously 20 is a bigger spread than four.

Still, some are urging caution. Neil O’Brian, a political scientist at the University of Oregon, told Axios, “We don’t know enough yet. But this idea that young people are going to keep populating into the Democratic Party? There are some question marks around that.”

Axios noted, “Gen Z and millennial voters were key to Biden’s 2020 victory, turning out in huge numbers and favoring him by 20 points in 2020, per a Pew Research Center analysis.” Also, “polls show Biden’s staunch support for Israel hurting him with younger voters.”

Biden does slightly better with poll participants who say they definitely plan to vote in November. The survey showed of 42 percent who said they were unquestionably voting, 63 percent of them supported Biden.

Perhaps not coincidentally, Trump’s rise with younger voters correlates with respondents indicating that the economy was a top issue. 39 percent of poll participants said the economy was their top issue followed by abortion at 16 percent and student debt and immigration both receiving 11 percent.

10 percent were worried about climate change most. Seven percent cited guns.

Age is a Factor

Some were not happy with the overall ages of the likeliest nominees for their party.

“I’m incredibly disappointed by how old [the candidates] are,” David Place, a 25-year-old from Stratford, Connecticut, said, who’s planning to vote for Trump.”

“I will say that Biden’s age and the way it affects him is way more apparent to people than Trump’s,” Place said.

Rachel Domdera, a sophomore at Ohio State and Biden supporter, said, “I’m not necessarily excited for either candidate, but I know it’s my civic duty to vote … I like Biden’s environmental policies more and his views on abortion.”

The election is still many months away and a lot could happen.

But in this moment, Donald Trump seems to be catching up with Joe Biden in one of his key demographics more than ever before.

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