New CNN Poll Shows Trump With Big Lead

A new poll conducted by CNN shows Donald Trump with his biggest lead since they began publishing re-election numbers, topping President Biden currently 49-43%.

Trump now holds a six-point advantage compared to when the survey was published in January.

Screenshot: CNN Twitter

Worse for Team Biden, adding third-party candidates widens the deficit even further. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein create significant problems for the incumbent.

In that scenario, Trump leads Biden 42-33%. Meanwhile, Kennedy earns a surprisingly large sector of the vote at 16%, West at 4% and Stein at 3%.

Screenshot: CNN Twitter

CNN Poll Delivers More Bad News For Biden

The new CNN poll continues to deliver bad news for President Biden. It seems despite the constant media spin in his favor, and against the former President, Trump’s time in office is widely viewed as a much greater success.

According to the numbers – a reminder that this is a CNN poll – 55% of Americans view Trump’s presidency as a success compared to just 44% who believe it was a failure.

Let me repeat that – a CNN poll shows Trump’s presidency is viewed as a success by a majority of Americans.

The same question for Biden yields these startling numbers: 61% view his presidency as a failure to just 39% who believe it has been a success.

Screenshot: CNN Twitter

Biden supporters tried their best to put a positive spin on the news. Or even to just soften the blow. CNN themselves reported that the widening lead is Trump simply ‘holding an advantage.’

Left-wing journalist Aaron Rupar also tried to sugarcoat the numbers but to no avail.

“We’re a long way out from November still etc etc but this is not great,” he writes on X.

The rabid anti-Trump group aptly named Republicans Against Trump responded with one word: “Concerning.”

Biden Sinking The Economy, Dividing Democrats On Israel

There are two main factors for President Biden’s poll numbers continuing to plunge into the abyss, according to CNN.

His approval ratings on the economy, they write, “remain starkly negative” with just a 34% approval on the economy as a whole, and a 29% approval for his handling of inflation.

Turns out people don’t like being unable to afford gas for their cars and groceries for their families.

In addition, the CNN poll giving Trump a wide margin shows Democrats are deeply disappointed with how the Biden administration has handled the crisis in the Middle East.

Here’s how the network frames their own numbers:

And his worst issue approval rating  – for his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza – yields 28% approval to 71% disapproval, including an 81% disapproval mark among those younger than 35 and majority disapproval among Democrats (53%).


The divide in his own party – mainly the disdain younger Democrat voters hold towards Israel – may sink Biden’s campaign in 2024.

Fox News personality Laura Ingraham points to the CNN poll and notes that “things are looking very bad for Biden and very good Trump and for America.”

It’s devastating news all around for the current President. For those who don’t like how the country has been run the past four years, it’s great news.

It means there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

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