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MAGA Meets MAGA: Donald Trump And Argentina’s Libertarian President Javier Milei Finally Meet

Hardcore libertarian Javier Milei was recently elected as the new president of Argentina, a country that has been wrecked financially by decades of socialism.

Many have compared the two not necessarily in their policies, but noticed similarities to Milei’s populism and personality to Donald Trump. One could say that Milei wants to Make Argentina Great Again.

Both men have praised each other in the past, including Trump congratulating Milei on getting elected president in December.

But on Saturday, the two leaders finally met.

When Worlds Collide

The meeting went down at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, held last week.

The Associated Press reported, “Javier Milei, the fiery, right-wing populist president of Argentina, gave Donald Trump on Saturday an ecstatic hug a day after meeting with Biden administration officials in Buenos Aires.”

“Trump and Milei were the biggest speakers to wrap up the annual Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington. During their backstage greeting, captured in a video posted by a Trump campaign staffer, Milei shouted ‘President!’ and pulled Trump in for a close hug before they took pictures together,” AP noted.

The story continued:

In the video, Trump tells Milei, “Make Argentina Great Again.” Milei then uttered his famous phrase, “Long live freedom, damn it!”

Milei has undertaken radical steps to stabilize the troubled Argentine economy and reduce government overall, like shuttering the country’s National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism.

Despite attacks from “globalist” organizations like the International Monetary Fund, Milei’s moves have resulted in a nearly billion-dollar surplus for Argentina.

Milei Speaks at CPAC

During his CPAC speech, Milei told the conservative crowd to put a stop to socialism and to beware increased regulation on businesses and the economy.

He also said that abortion was a “murderous agenda.”

Not surprisingly, the staunch libertarian delivered an anti-government message and also warned against agenda behind those who preach “social justice.”

“Do not be led by mermaids singing social justice,” Milei said in Spanish. “Do not give up your freedom. Fight for your freedom because if you do not fight, you will be led into misery.”

Javier Milei became president of his country at the end of last year. Donald Trump stands a good chance of becoming the same, again, at the end of this year.

Given their mutual respect, it will be interesting to see who might emulate whom.

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