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  • Jen Psaki Blasts ‘Right-Wing Ecosystem’ For Comparing Her To Ronna McDaniel: ‘This Is About Truth Vs. Lies’

Jen Psaki Blasts ‘Right-Wing Ecosystem’ For Comparing Her To Ronna McDaniel: ‘This Is About Truth Vs. Lies’

When MSNBC recently announced it had hired former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, it did what it always does: Hire Republicans antagonistic to Donald Trump to trash him on their airwaves.

But this wasn’t good enough for some NBC personalities. Chuck Todd trashed the decision to hire her. So did ‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough.

So did former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, whose hiring McDaniel’s was compared to, as far as a recent member of a presidential administration crossing over into punditry.

McDaniel was eventually fired. Psaki said it was a matter of herself telling “truth” vs. McDaniel telling “lies.”

We’re not kidding.

Jen Psaki Says Ronna Put ‘Democracy at Risk’

Mediate reported, “Jen Psaki dismissed critics who compared the hiring of ex-RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel at NBC to her own, accusing McDaniel of putting ‘democracy at risk’ with her efforts surrounding the 2020 presidential election.”

Reminder: Psaki – to this very day – continues to push the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election even though that was completely disproved by the Mueller Report.

The story continued:

Psaki is a Conspiracy Theorist

Jen Psaki, like many Democrats, continues to suggest that the 2016 presidential election was stolen because Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, helped win it for Donald Trump. Some way. Somehow.

But this kind of misinformation is produced all the time on MSNBC. No one checks it. No one cares. They all pretty much believe it.

Ronna McDaniel is the niece of Mitt Romney and would have been yet another Bush-Cheney-era, neoconservative Republican spouting all sorts of anti-Trump nonsense on their channel.

But even that was a bridge too far for what is essentially a state media channel for the Democratic Party.