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  • He Sees Dead People: For Third Time This Week, Biden Claims He Spoke With Long-Deceased World Leader

He Sees Dead People: For Third Time This Week, Biden Claims He Spoke With Long-Deceased World Leader

On two separate occasions Wednesday, President Joe Biden claimed he spoke with dead former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the January 6th riot at the Capitol in 2021. Kohl died in 2017.

Biden told Democrat donors in New York a story which very clearly did not happen, and then he repeated it again later in the day.

At the first event, according to a pool report, the President told those in attendance about an exchange he claims to have had at the 2021 G-7 summit in Great Britain:

“Helmut Kohl said, ‘Joe, what would you think if you picked up the phone and picked up the paper tomorrow and learned in the London Times, on the front page, that 1,000 people stormed the Parliament, broke down the doors of the House of Commons and killed 2 bobbies in the process … trying to stop the election of a prime minister?’” he stated.

It’s difficult to choose which is the biggest concern here – the fact that this clearly didn’t happen, or that Biden is once again making the false claim that police officers were killed during the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol.

Biden Keeps Seeing Dead People – Should We Be Concerned?

What’s fascinating is that not one of Biden’s aides seemingly pulled him aside to let him know, ‘”Hey, Chief, you didn’t speak to Helmut Kohl in 2021.”

Because Biden repeated the story nearly verbatim at an event at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel near Columbus Circle.

One can reasonably assume that the White House’s defense to these mental lapses will be to assert that he actually meant to say Angela Merkel, who was the chancellor of Germany at the time.

We know this because just two days ago, they used the same defense when President Biden said he spoke with former French President François Mitterrand. He was telling the same exact story supposedly from the 2021 summit, only this time instead of claiming he spoke with Kohl, he claimed to have interacted with Mitterrand who died in 1996.

“You know, right — right after I was elected, I went to what they call a G7 meeting, all the NATO leaders.  And it was in — it was in the south of England.  And I sat down and I said, ‘America is back,'” Biden claimed according to his reality.

“And Mitterrand, from Germany — I mean, from France looked at me and said — said, ‘You know, what — why — how long you back for?'” he added.

The White House site later corrected Biden’s comment for him, crossing off Mitterrand and writing in “Macron.”

WATCH: Joe Biden says he recently met with “Mitterand from Germany.”

Mitterand was the FRENCH President between 1981 and 1995.

He also died in 1996. pic.twitter.com/W0YPBDp69n

Almost As Bad As When He Asked A Dead Congresswoman To Stand Up

Biden boy math – 1 story + 2 dead people + 3 times = Sixth Sense.

These aren’t nearly as bad as when the President tried to point out a congresswoman in the crowd even though she had died months earlier.

“Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie,” he said peering out into the audience. “She was going to be here.”

"Jackie, where's Jackie?," Joe Biden says about Rep. Jackie Walorski who died in a car accident a few months ago. pic.twitter.com/khdiesmEsx

He was referring to Jackie Walorski who, along with two of her staff members was killed in a car crash in Elkhart County, Indiana.

Walorski’s mother would later helpfully explain to Biden where Jackie was – Heaven.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked this week about Biden’s mental fitness, of which he has none, and swiftly dodged the topic.

“How is President Biden ever going to convince the three-quarters of voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he is OK, even though in Las Vegas he told a story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996?” asked Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.

“I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you, sir,” she fired back in disgust.

Jean-Pierre added, “You saw the president in Vegas, in California. You’ve seen the president in South Carolina. You saw him in Michigan. I’ll just leave it there.”

PETER DOOCY: "How is president Biden ever going to convince the three-quarters of voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he's okay even though in Las Vegas he told a story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996?"

KJP: "I'm not… pic.twitter.com/A98B07TNLy

An unintelligent response from an unintelligent press secretary. Propping Biden up like Weekend at Bernie’s isn’t evidence to voters that he is not struggling from a sharp mental decline.

An NBC News poll bears this out, with three-quarters of voters, including half of Democrats, saying that they have concerns about Biden’s mental and physical health.

The other 25% probably think Mitterrand and Kohl are still alive too.

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