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  • GOP Rep. Gaetz Clashes With CNN’s Phillip Over Hunter Biden: ‘Do You Think They Were Paying Him To Figure Out Where To Go Buy Crack?’

GOP Rep. Gaetz Clashes With CNN’s Phillip Over Hunter Biden: ‘Do You Think They Were Paying Him To Figure Out Where To Go Buy Crack?’

House Republicans are attempting to impeach Joe Biden.

Why? They believe there is enough evidence to suggest the president and his son Hunter Biden were accepting bribes or at least engaged in pay-to-play schemes with various countries, and in particular Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

An impeachment inquiry source, Alexander Smirnov, was recently charged with making false statements to the FBI on the matter. Republicans had previously called Smirnov “highly credible” and said that his claims were “direct evidence of naked corruption and bribery.”

This caused CNN host Abby Phillip to grill Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz over Smirnov and his credibility.

And things got interesting.

‘If you want to bribe a 75-year-old man, you pay their kids’

It was an exchange where Phillips appeared to think she had gotten Gaetz, but the congressman had some good – and undeniable – retorts.

Mediate reports, “After grilling Gaetz about the arrest of impeachment inquiry source Alexander Smirnov, who was charged with making false statements to the FBI after claiming that the Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid President Biden and his son Hunter Biden $5 million each, Phillip then played a compilation of Gaetz’s colleagues calling Smirnov ‘highly credible’ and his claims ‘direct evidence of naked corruption and bribery.'”

“Asked whether the remarks from his colleagues had been ‘irresponsible,’ Gaetz replied, ‘A few of those characterizations might have been a little, a little over sauced, but I do think that the bribery can also go to a family member,” Mediaite noted.

The story continued:

He argued, “If you want to bribe a 75-year-old man, you pay their kids…”

The CNN host then asked, “Given that, according to Jim Jordan, this was the most corroborating piece of evidence that they had, should they drop this impeachment?”

Gaetz replied:

I disagree with Jordan that this is what’s most corroborating. I think what’s most corroborating are the payments to Hunter Biden and Frank Biden and James Biden. I was deposing James Biden and the way that they took money from the Chinese government would make your skin crawl. Now, that’s admittedly James Biden, not Joe Biden, but I do believe when these foreign governments are loading up the entire Biden family apparatus with cash, they’re not doing so to extract some sort of skill or service from these ne’er-do-well Bidens, they doing it to influence Joe Biden.

But it wasn’t this smackdown that got the attention of the ever-watching internet.

Why Was Burisma Paying Hunter Biden Such a Large Amount of Money?

“Everything that you’ve described is an inference,” said Phillip. “You actually haven’t given any proof of what you’re alleging.”

Gaetz replied, “But Abby, why do you think Burisma was paying Hunter Biden? Do you think they were paying him to figure out where to go buy crack in LA? I mean, they were paying him because he had access to Joe.”

It was a testy discussion but Gaetz point was still hard to get around – why exactly would Burisma be paying Hunter Biden such a large amount of money.

It was certainly not to buy crack.

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