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  • Following Mayorkas Impeachment, ICE Plotting A Mass Release Of Illegal Immigrants: Report

Following Mayorkas Impeachment, ICE Plotting A Mass Release Of Illegal Immigrants: Report

The Washington Post is reporting that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has developed a plan for the “mass release” of illegal immigrants into the United States, as well as moving to diminish the capacity to hold detainees after crossing the southern border.

The report comes just one day after Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was officially impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives — the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years.

According to the Post, the move is necessary to close a $700 million budget deficit. Plans have already been drafted to begin the “mass release” of illegal aliens, according to multiple sources at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security.

An “internal proposal to save money” has begun circulating within the departments that suggests “releasing thousands of detainees and cutting detention levels from 38,000 beds to 22,000.”

ICE Threatened This Release If Republicans Didn’t Cave On Senate Foreign Aid Bill

The Washington Post report indicates that the move for ICE to “mass release” illegal immigrants into American communities is a direct response to the failure of the Senate to pass a $118 billion foreign aid bill.

That foreign aid bill included significant funding for foreign wars and a paltry percentage for alleged border security. It would have provided $6 billion in supplemental funding for ICE enforcement operations, thus covering the $700 million deficit, according to those in the know.

The White House had threatened to take such action if Republicans did not go along with the foreign aid bill.

“Because congressional Republicans are choosing partisan politics over our national security and refusing to pass the bipartisan national security agreement that includes significant border reforms and funding, over the coming weeks, ICE will be forced to reduce operations because of budget shortfalls,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said prior to that legislation’s collapse.

Now, it seems, they are following through on that threat, putting the lives and jobs of the American people in danger after initially trying to blackmail them for more money.

Mayorkas Impeached, Democrat Admits They ‘Care Most’ About Illegals

DHS Secretary Mayorkas was impeached Tuesday over his “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and “breach of public trust” — a direct violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

Mayorkas and President Joe Biden implemented a “catch-and-release” scheme that paved the way for millions of illegal immigrants to be released directly into U.S. communities.

Now, they’re planning to amp up the “mass release” effort. Is it a response to the Senate aide bill tanking? Or is it out of spite for Mayorkas’ impeachment? Perhaps, it’s a little bit of both.

During an MSNBC interview last week, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) pulled the curtain back on his own party by announcing “undocumented Americans” are the people Democrats “care about most.”

🚨 Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy admits Democrats' "strategy" on immigration "has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," so they're adjusting it pic.twitter.com/IPXCh0WQi2

It’s hard to dispute that’s who they care about most.

Threatening the American people with a “mass release” of illegal immigrants after not getting your way on foreign aid while simultaneously having already mass-released them for 3 years is just further evidence.

You, the American people, rank very low on their list of concerns.

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