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  • Flashback: Kamala Harris Chastises Americans For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ Without Giving Amnesty to ‘Dreamers’

Flashback: Kamala Harris Chastises Americans For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ Without Giving Amnesty to ‘Dreamers’

Kamala Harris, in a resurfaced video, chastised Americans for daring to say ‘Merry Christmas’ when there were illegal aliens who hadn’t been granted permanent legal status, or amnesty.

The shocking clip, which circulated on X Thursday, shows the then-senator clearly appalled that the American people would celebrate their Christmas and not think about so-called ‘Dreamers.’

“And when we all sing happy tunes, and sing Merry Christmas, and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas,” Harris bellows.

“How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we? They will not have a Merry Christmas.”

Unearthed clip of Kamala Harris scolds people for saying “Merry Christmas” because illegals might not get to celebrate: “HOW DARE WE SPEAK MERRY CHRISTMAS?” pic.twitter.com/zBq6hDX9l3

Kamala Harris Complains: No Merry Christmas For Illegals

The video of Kamala Harris scolding Americans for daring to say ‘Merry Christmas’ because they should be focused on granting illegal aliens amnesty is rather shocking.

And it doesn’t help the Democrat nominee for President as she, with the help of the media, tries to rewrite her own history and portray herself as someone who will be tough on border security.

Harris’ comments came in 2017 as Congress was debating the Dream Act, legislation designed to give Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients a path to permanent residency.

‘Dreamers’, as adults, have had nearly 20 years to set about taking the path to legal citizenship, much like those who enter the United States legally and follow the process.

Former President Donald Trump, at the time of Kamala Harris’s ‘Merry Christmas’ remarks, had recently announced the end of DACA, which shielded some minor illegals from deportation.

Trump at the time demanded Congress work together to strike a deal that would extend protections for ‘Dreamers’, but also provide better border security, including a wall. They couldn’t do it.

DACA was declared illegal by a federal judge in Texas in 2023.

So Extreme, She Wanted To Allow Illegals The Right To Work In Congress

As the makeover of Kamala Harris from a ‘you can’t say Merry Christmas when illegals are suffering’ extremist to ‘she’s tough on the border akshually’ presidential candidate is ongoing, it’s important to note just how extreme she has been on the issue.

Not only should they be rewarded for having entered the country illegally, there should be no restrictions on their choice of vocation.

Harris, in 2019, co-sponsored a bill that would allow ‘Dreamers’ to work as staffers or interns in Congress.

The legislation – known as The American Dream Employment Act – would, according to Harris at the time, allow DACA recipients to ‘give back to their country.’

Their country?

“The giant sign outside my office says ‘DREAMers Welcome Here’ because we know and value the contributions that these young people have made to their communities,” Harris said.

“But right now, those same young people are banned from giving back to their country by working for Congress,” she went on. “That has to change. Government works best when it reflects the people it represents.”

Kamala Harris is an open-borders extremist. If she’s elected President, it will be an even greater free-for-all at the border than it was under Biden’s reign. And nobody will have a Merry Christmas.