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Failure Theater Continues: Republicans Vote Down Impeachment Of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

In what should have been the easiest of all efforts to hold somebody in the Biden administration accountable – an effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – Republicans continued their unwavering tradition of failure.

In one of the more embarrassing displays in recent memory, the vote to impeach Mayorkas for facilitating the worst border crisis this nation has ever seen fell in a 214-216 vote.

As per usual, Democrats remained united and in support of the border invasion, voting in lockstep to support the DHS Secretary. But four Republicans voted with them: Representatives Tom McClintock (R-CA), Ken Buck (R-CO), Mike Gallagher (R-WI), and Blake Moore (R-UT).

In Moore’s defense, he switched his vote at the last moment, a procedural move allowing the measure to be brought up again. Had it ended in a tie, the effort would have been killed outright.

Effort To Impeach Mayorkas Goes Down In Flames

The vote consisted of a resolution combining two articles of impeachment that accused Mayorkas of having “refused to comply with Federal immigration laws” and another stating that he violated “public trust.”

Both are undeniably true.

And yet, just like Lucy enticing Charlie Brown to go for the kick, McClintock, Buck, and Gallagher pulled the football out from underneath the American people.

It should be effortless for Republicans to band together on the impeachment of Mayorkas. He is the absolute lowest-hanging fruit in the administration on the matter of a border crisis that is the number one concern among the American people.


Since Joe Biden and Mayorkas took office, the border crisis has spiraled out of control. The latest numbers show that December saw the highest number of border crossings in a single month in our nation’s history.

Mayorkas has dishonestly claimed that the border is secure, even while under oath before Congress, while intentionally refusing to enforce the law.

Imagine what would happen if you owned a bank and hired a security guard, and then that security guard willingly opened the door to every criminal walking down the street. Would you fire that guard? Would they be held accountable?

Not if Republicans owned that bank.

Oh, and a Rasmussen poll shows that 52% of American voters agree with the effort to impeach Mayorkas, while just 36% disagree.

These three Republicans are literally going against what the American people want.

Former President Donald Trump has referred to Buck as “a weak and ineffective Super RINO” selling out his principles on his way out the door so that he could “audition” for a role at some “country-destroying leftwing outlet.”

Buck announced his retirement late last year. And, proving Trump’s point, Buck spent the days leading up to the vote to impeach Mayorkas running to MSNBC and declaring this is “not an impeachable offense.”

Due to Moore switching his vote, the impeachment effort can be revived next week, which several House Republicans have suggested is their plan of attack.

Republicans say the hope is to bring the legislation to the floor again, when House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is undergoing cancer treatment, can attend.

Why didn’t they wait until they had Scalise’s vote to begin with instead of embarrassing themselves?

Anyway, we can be sure Charlie Brown will tumble to the ground next week when the GOP yanks the football away once again. They don’t know how to win.

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