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  • 2016 Forever: MSNBC’s Jen Psaki And Nancy Pelosi Again Push Discredited ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Theory

2016 Forever: MSNBC’s Jen Psaki And Nancy Pelosi Again Push Discredited ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Theory

Jen Psaki and Nancy Pelosi have been two major proponents of the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory.

After a two year investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was concluded there had been no collusion.

But you can’t tell many Democrats that. It’s a conspiracy theory they held near and dear to their hearts.

And still do, as former White House Press Secretary Psaki and former Speaker of the House Pelosi put on full display in an MSNBC interview on Monday, February 19, 2024.

Aren’t These the People Always Worried About Spreading ‘Misinformation?’

These two are really unbelievable. At this rate, Nancy Pelosi’s great-great-great grandchildren will be pushing this conspiracy theory in 3024.

The Hill reports, “Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has some sort of financial influence over former President Trump.”

‘Suggested without evidence,’ as the liberal media usually says about any Republican or conservative claims.

The story continued:

Pelosi asked “what does he have on Donald Trump that he’d have to constantly be catering to Putin?”

Her comments came just after Trump doubled down on his criticism of NATO and said he would encourage Russia to attack U.S. allies who fail to reach the alliance’s defense spending goals. Trump has also declined to criticize Putin for the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison last week.

Pelosi noted that Trump’s comments on NATO come near the two-year anniversary of Russia invading Ukraine.

Psaki asked Pelosi what she thinks Putin has on Trump to make him refuse to criticize the Russian leader.

“I’m not sure what he has on him, but I think it’s probably financial,” Pelosi said in comments highlighted by Mediaite.

Perhaps it’s time to ask what Ukrainian President Zelensky has on Pelosi and Psaki, who in contrast to foreign politician Navalny have made nary a peep about American journalist Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian prison.

X Makes Fun MSNBC Conspiracy Theorists Psaki and Pelosi

X, formerly Twitter, wasn’t gonna let this one pass without comment.

Progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald, who has followed the Democrats’ Russiagate conspiracy theory from the beginning, had this to say:

Democrats Need to Move On

The responses were endless and rightfully so.

For Democrats who are constantly worried that misinformation or conspiracy theories are undermining democracy, they sure don’t mind pushing conspiracy theories themselves.

Psaki and Pelosi are two high profile Democrats and are merely play-acting to make MSNBCs left-leaning audience feel good.

For them it is eternally 2016.

And don’t be surprised if what happens in 2024 isn’t a direct result of the attitudes of Democrats like themselves, who just can’t move on from the past.

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